Monday, 10 December 2012

my family

There is one thing in life, that we seem to forget how important it is, how much we need it, or how much we love it. But it's something that we can't live without, something that will love you back, something that will be there for you no matter wat.Your family is the most important thing in your life, whether you like it or not. They help you grow up, they turn you into something great, and they know that whatever you want to do with your life is the best thing you can do. They trust and care about you. When you love them, they 'll love you back.My family is sometimes strange, sometimes embarrassing, but I've learnt to put that all aside, and think about how lucky I am to have them right there with me, every step of the way. My sisters  have taught me to always be myself,to do wat i love, and not let others get in the way of that. they also taught me to try watever i want to try, to believe in my dreams and achieve them. my brother is the best brother in world,always there to listen to my bullshits!!lol.he is a perfect word(s) can describe my parents.i just love them with all my heart.

    these  seven people have made me what i am today.someone different. and these seven people are the only people are love more than anything. i love my family.they are irreplaceable.

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